VLOOKUP in Linux Libre, Microsoft Office, and Google Excel Sheet


Most of the time you are looking for an exact match when you use the VLOOKUP function in Excel. Let’s take a look at the arguments of the VLOOKUP function. The VLOOKUP function below looks up the value 53 (first argument) in the leftmost column of the red table (second argument). Linux Libre Office and Google Excel Sheet

=VLOOKUP(search_value, sheet_name! start_of_range:end_of_range, index, sorting)

search_value: Search a value in range if anything exists.

sheet_name: Sheet name if multiple tabs are available in Excel sheet.

start_of_range: Start of search range. If search range has only one column then start range must be starting cell of column, if search range has multiple columns then start range must be start cell of range’s first column.

end_of_range: End of search range. If search range has only one column then end range must be ending cell of column, if search range has multiple columns then end range must be end cell of range’s last column.

index: If search range has multiple column, and search value matches with search column then which column value will be used in output. Expected value will be numerical index line 1,2,3 which is counting from search range column.

sorting: If there is any sorting needed just mention that. Expected value will be true and false.



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